& Sensational, Sustainable Income


You’ve got a dream. Maybe you nurture it in secret, even as loved ones advise you to stick to a “real” job. Maybe you grin and bear it as you’re told that people like you can’t hack it. “You probably can’t even lift the gear. And besides, brides hate women!” But you keep at it because you know, deep down, that rock anthems, unabashed dancing, and a well-timed slow song can imprint on someone’s memory forever – and you want to be a part of that. (Ideally, a well-paid, well-respected part of that.)

If taking that leap of starting your own business feels confusing, intimidating and/or just plain terrifying…

If you’ve already taken the plunge, and are wondering what you need to do to take your DJ business to the next level…

If you believe that you’re so much more than a Human iPod…

Then this message is specifically for you.


We believe there are two kinds of DJs – Whole-Ass Magic Makers, and well… Half-Assed Jokers.

The real art of DJing isn’t about gear, it’s about atmosphere – and it’s not about showing off, it’s about showing up.

We’ve scaled Mary’s dream from a solo DJ with one crate of hits to a renowned team of 25, covering 700 events per year, and raking in about $2M per year – with every bit of our dignity intact.

Nobody told us how – in fact, we got mountains of horrible advice along the way. We made costly mistakes, and fed our competition’s growth. We didn’t have a roadmap. We would have positively killed for a roadmap! And that’s precisely why the Toast & Jam Lab was born.

The Toast & Jam Lab is for DJs who know how to get a raging dance floor going and want their bank accounts to sing.

The Toast & Jam Lab is for DJs who know how to get a raging dance floor going and want their bank accounts to sing. You’ll discover the secrets to getting off the ground and making your business legit.

Mary takes you step by step through the tools and systems you need to run a well-oiled machine so you can charge premium prices for your entertainment services. Whether you’re looking to fly solo or expand from a single operator to a staff of DJs that work for you – Mary’s got you covered with everything from systematizing and automating your business until it practically runs itself to recruiting and effective management strategies and more!

The Toast & Jam Lab consists of 22 training videos that guide you through the process and planning needed to set up a business. Discover the practical steps needed to make the leap from treating DJing like a side hustle vs. an actual business, revealed in 4 easy-to-follow training modules:



Get a glimpse of the career-making value inside the Lab right here! The first two videos are available right now:

Enroll Today and Get Access to 3 Powerful Bonus Gifts

Bonus #1 – Communication and Business System Templates (A $1,000 Value)

Delivered as downloadable PDFs, these handy tools will help you implement all you learn from Mary with speed and ease – and takes the guesswork out of your basic systems and correspondence. Download these tried-and-true email templates, meeting templates, and so much more.

Bonus #2 – Strategic Planning Guidance and Documents (A $1,000 Value)

Use Mary’s guidance to build a strategy to achieve your vision. You’ll receive a business plan template, a pricing worksheet, a checklist to help you pick between subcontractors and employees, and more – all available as downloadable PDFs.

Bonus #3 – Members-only discounts from our partners. ($Priceless)

Mary is constantly building relationships with key players and vendors in the DJ industry. As a Lab member, you’ll get exclusive access to private discounts and additional opportunities to raise your game.

Get to know your coach, Mary Nisi, in under 3 minutes:

Mary Wants You To Get Further, Faster!

I wish that this product had existed when I started Toast & Jam way back in 2005. If you’re ready to put your DJ business on the fast-track to success, this is the course you’ve been waiting for.

Your Investment

The average wedding costs over $35,000, and on average, the DJ gets about 5 percent of that budget. (And many couples are willing to shell out a lot more than that for their big day because they know the DJ makes or breaks their reception.)

The Toast & Jam Lab gives you everything you need to charge premium prices for your amazing DJ services.

Lifetime Access to the The Toast & Jam Lab & 12 Monthly Calls can be yours right this minute for 3 payments of $500 or a one-time payment of $1250.

If you book even one more gig from this course, it'll have paid for itself

Why DJs Serious About Building Empires Are Raving....

“My business simply wouldn't exist in its current state, maybe not at all, if it weren't for Mary Nisi.

Her experience and confidence as an entrepreneur is infectious, and she immediately encouraged me to pursue launching the business when it was only a vague idea. We went from conversation to casual brainstorming to strategic working session to launch party in a very short period of time. Mary makes launching and running a business look easy and fun, and her votes of confidence in my abilities and potential were so matter-of-fact, moving forward just felt like common sense.

Mary's innate creative genius and wit had a huge part in my business! She knows how to capture personalities into a concise brand package.

With a straightforward series of intelligent questions and active exercises in prioritization and pricing, Mary took the fear and confusion out of defining my initial offerings and cost structure packages. They have evolved since day one, and will inevitably continue to change, but she helped me get my business off the ground with smart, clear ways to engage new clients.

Mary is a force of nature, a truly unique combination of talents, and pure joy to be around.”
Toast & Jam Lab Online Course
- Jen M.

Order With Confidence, Because Your Investment Is Protected by My 30-Day “Your Delight – and Results – Are Guaranteed” Promise

Complete your order today, and go through the entire course over the next 30 days. I guarantee that you’ll make more sales and/or save time – or I’ll refund every penny of your investment.
If you implement what I teach you and don’t see results, simply contact me and demonstrate that you followed my advice, implemented my systems, and didn’t increase sales or save time.

“Mary's fresh perspective is exactly what I needed in order to propel my business forward. Her out-of-the-box thinking and no-nonsense approach to life and business is a welcome change in a field of empty promises of instant results. Can't recommend highly enough!”
Toast & Jam Lab Online Course
- Meg M.


“I first started working with Mary when all I had were dreams. Overwhelmed and intimidated by the processes involved in all things business; Mary helped me scale my wild ideas into small actionable steps, resulting in 3 new facets of my business this year alone.”

– Katie T.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Toast & Jam Lab

Learn More About Mary Nisi, Your DJ Business Mentor

Following a successful, decade-long run in improv comedy, Mary Nisi made her foray into entrepreneurship when she founded Toast & Jam DJs in 2005. With over 25 DJs, they do over 700 events a year. Since then, the company has provided the soundtrack to thousands of weddings and events—including a birthday party for Barack Obama.

Today, Toast & Jam operates from the upper level of her other business, Ampersand Cowork, a shared office space she launched in Chicago in 2017. When she’s not tending to one of her businesses, you can find Mary consulting and hosting workshops for aspiring entrepreneurs in various industries. Her latest venture, The Toast & Jam Lab, is a comprehensive online course for mobile DJs looking to transform their business into a thriving empire.

Mary fills the rest of her time with a weekly DJing stint on long-standing local indie station CHIRP Radio (she is a founding member); beekeeping in her Chicago backyard; and bicycling around the neighborhood with her husband, John, and son Sebastian.

Ready to leverage Mary’s experience and mentorship to grow your DJ business?

3317 W. FULLERTON, CHICAGO, IL 60647 | (773) 687-8833